About CLM

Who We Are

Christ Life Ministries (CLM) is a non-de­nominational, non-profit ministry called by God (in 1990) to minister the hope of Christ’s life (Col. 1:27). We minister primarily through group training sessions and individual discipling sessions (Matt. 28:19). Our passion is to support the local church by encouraging Christians to minister the message of hope to others in the Body of Christ. We are available to encourage and support local pastors and congregations.

CLM’s staff raise their own salaries (much like home-based missionaries) which leaves contribu­tions to the ministry and proceeds from discipling and training to be applied to operational expenses and ministry enhancement.

The Foundation

The foundation of God’s ministry at CLM is Jesus Christ. The Bible says He is the one and only foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11).

The focus in discipling is to present JESUS AS THE ANSWER, no matter what the manifesting problem (depression, anxiety, abuse, marital problems, etc.) (Galatians 2:20, Colossians 2:8-10, Acts 17:28). Any hindrance in the Christian’s relationship with Christ hinders his functioning in life and in ministering to others. Christ’s solution at the Cross was to give His blood to cleanse us from sin AND to give His very Life, providing us with His victory over flesh (self-life programmed by the Enemy and his world system) (Ephesians 2:1-2).

We do not delve into denominational issues. We encourage involvement in the local church of choice.

The Process

Christ, through CLM staff, tenderly ministers to people by revealing the root problem (from a Bibli­cal base) and God’s solution. The process begins with understanding how the Enemy with lies and deception programs man, to attempt to meet his own needs and to protect himself. God then exposes flesh patterns that developed as a result of that attempt. Next, God reveals how He has already arranged through the Cross, to deal with flesh, provide salvation, and to give man His (Christ’s) Life in exchange for self-life (thus, the term “Exchanged Life”). We have a NEW IDENTITY IN CHRIST.

The desired result is total surrender to Christ. Any hindrances to that surrender are explored for removal. Our counselees learn their true identity, along with God’s mighty resources in Christ. They learn about spiritual warfare and Biblical forgiveness.

We encourage homework (specific Scrip­tures, books, tapes, and worksheets). Since the Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor, we foster depend­ence on Him, not CLM.

The Result

This process is for everyone in the Body of Christ. Every local church has members who are sought out by others for counsel. The method we share will strengthen their ministry. There are many professionals who are Christians, but that does not guarantee Christian discipling. The Exchanged Life process is biblical, Christ-centered discipling.

To the local church we offer our three-phase training program:

  • Phase One (Grace Life Conference) teaches the Biblical, basic truths of the Exchanged Life.
  • Phase Two (Grace Life Workshop) is an oppor­tunity for gaining hands-on experience in sharing these precious truths.
  • Phase Three (Advanced Discipleship Training) is in-depth, intensive training for discipling other people in both formal sessions and everyday encounters.

The Church now faces the great challenge of ministering to the spirit, soul and body needs of its people. When we experience revival, we must be prepared to minister growth and healing. If we are in the “last days,” we need to equip the saints. The pastor cannot do everything. The Body needs to minister to the Body, and we must be trained to do so — for God’s glory!