The Discipling Process FAQ

What is Christ Life Ministries?

We are a non-denominational, non-profit ministry called by God to minister the hope of Christ’s life to Christians (Colossians 1:27). We minister primarily through individual discipling sessions and group training sessions (Matthew 28:19). Our passion is to support the local church by encouraging graduates to minister the message of hope to others in the Body of Christ. CLM staff are available to encourage and support local pastors and congregations.

What type of discipling will I receive?

CLM is committed to depending on Christ Himself to reveal truths from the Bible to see you free from bondage (John 8:32). With this method of discipling, the disciple becomes a facilitator and the Holy Spirit is the counselor. God becomes the agent of change, provided you cooperate with Him. Our goal is to convey to you the biblical truths of your life exchanged for Christ’s life as the way of freedom from the crushing effect of life’s circumstances.

Why call it discipling rather than counseling?

We describe our work as being primarily vertical (relationship with God) rather than horizontal (relationship with others) or internal (relationship with self). We focus on Christ (who He is) rather than on self (who we are). We emphasize grace (what Christ has done) rather than coping (what we must do. We encourage a complete identity in Christ rather than an improvement in self-worth. We define discipling “success” as total surrender of all life’s circumstances to Christ.

How many visits will I need to make?

While we cannot accurately answer this, there are some issues which impact efficiency. It took time for your present difficulties to develop and it will take time to lay a foundation for God’s solution. The more vulnerable you are willing to be to God, the sooner you will be able to receive and experience His solutions. Typically, the number of discipling sessions (one a week) range from 8 – 16. Once you are freed by God’s Truth, you are then free to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

How long will the sessions last?

The sessions usually last for one hour, although, the first session may be as long as two hours.

Will the discipling process be painful?

Most people who come for discipling are experiencing pain or they wouldn’t be asking for help. We tenderly tell people that broken hearts are the only hearts that can receive the message of hope that is in Christ’s Life. Each CLM discipler has experienced their own unique brokenness and been discipled in these truths. We are not “counseling” from head knowledge, but we seek to “disciple” from the very heart of Christ.

Will the pain get worse before getting better?

That is possible. The purpose for discipling is not to avoid pain, but to bring about healing. Sometimes the healing process can be painful, both spiritually and emotionally, but ultimately growth results on freedom. It is best to come with an attitude that says, “Lord, teach me what you want me to learn about myself and I will not hide from what you reveal to me.”

Will I be given homework?

We want to help you develop a greater sense of Christ as your resource. Therefore, we will give you a variety of assignments that will support the truth of your life in Christ. Your completion of the homework is seen as a measure of your commitment to the discipling process. We want you to get as much out of this as possible! We have seen that God accomplishes most of His discipling through these assignments during the week between sessions.

What will the discipling cost?

Our basic rate is $50 per session, however, this is a ministry and we don’t want to discourage anyone from receiving help due to finances. We operate on a contribution basis and depend upon your contributions to meet our operating expenses. Our guideline for discipling to support this ministry is at the rate of $1 per $1,000 of annual family income per session. Therefore, an annual family income of $50,000 or more would indicate $50 per session is appropriate.

What if I am unable to keep my appointment?

For us to continue as a ministry, we must be good stewards of our time and resources. Therefore, please give a 48 hour notice of cancellation. Last minute cancellations and no shows prohibit us from ministering to full potential. We ask you to consider it your responsibility to cooperate with us on this, whenever possible. Serious inconsistency regarding appointments will require us to use the time slot for someone on our waiting list.

What if I am presently seeing a counselor, psychologist, or therapist?

It is not prudent to see two counselors at the same time. There is no inherent conflict if you are being treated by a physician (including a psychiatrist) and are coming for discipling.

What are the qualifications of the Christ Life Ministries disciplers?

As a member of the Network220, CLM requires our disciplers to be Christians and to have completed  Network220 three-phase training program. All are spiritually mature, experienced, and gifted by the Holy Spirit to do this type of ministry. Since we offer spiritual, pastoral-type discipling, we do not look at secular standards or credentials as necessarily qualifying people for staff. Several of our disciplers have professional degrees and some do not.

What about confidentiality?

Our staff adheres to a professional code of ethics and practices. You can depend on our confidentiality.

Should I attend a GraceLife conference along with my discipling?

We believe that the truths taught in our conference are vital to freedom in Christ. Consequently, we urge you to attend a conference at your earliest convenience. The conference will enhance your learning and greatly improve the efficiency of your discipling process.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to discuss them with your discipler at any time.

CLM is a member of Network220 (formerly the Association of Exchanged Life Ministries or AELM). There are more than 100 member ministries worldwide, who support and share with one another tools and testimonies of the message of the Cross. For more information, visit the website.